Study shows smartphones are making us cranky
Studies from Nottingham Trent University show that one third of notifications from our smartphones trigger negative emotions, which is making us cranky!
Studies from Nottingham Trent University show that one third of notifications from our smartphones trigger negative emotions, which is making us cranky!
According to studies carried out by Exeter University, fish are individuals with unique character traits and complex personalities.
Sleeping for more than 9 hours a night can increase your chances of having nightmares, according to a study conducted by the University of Oxford.
Studies show that drinking coffee can significantly reduce the chance of dying from causes including heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes!
The French Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology will pay men €16,000 (US$17,000) to lie in bed for 60 days in the name of space research!
According to a new study from Oregon State University, cats really, really love you – even more than food!
According to new studies, a condition called Misophonia might be responsible for people who become enraged by certain trigger sounds, such as chewing and pen-clicking.
Great news guys, science says the ‘man flu’ is real – but it also means we’re the less ‘valuable’ sex and therefore dispensable!
According to a new poll, 74% of Britons admit to being ‘micro-criminals’, having committed minor/micro crimes.
Research shows that we really are “drunk in love” given the striking similarities between the effects of alcohol and the “love hormone” Oxytocin.