- A Taiwanese wife reportedly hired 2 strippers to perform at her husband’s funeral, as a parting gift.
- According to the Daily Online, mourners at the funeral were shocked when 2 strippers dressed in little more than underwear and thigh-high boots came out and performed a sexy routine to tunes such as ‘Moves Like Jagger’ by Maroon 5, even draping themselves over the casket at some stage!
- Mrs Jian said she knew her husband had an eye for the ladies and wanted to ensure he appreciated his final journey.
- Many mourners vied for positions to capture the moment on their smartphones.
- It is thought that the tradition of having exotic dancers at funerals began in the 1980s and is linked to the Taiwanese mafia, who were said to have seized control of the mortuary industry!
- According to Taiwanese culture, honour to the deceased is related to the number of attendees at the funeral, which supports the theory that dancers are used to ‘bribe’ attendance.
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