- Pittsburgh Police, paramedics and fire services were called to free a man who got wedged in between 2 buildings when he missed an attempt to jump from a shorter building to a taller building to impress a girl.
- It’s reported that Grant Birdsong fell 3 stories before he became stuck in a gap approx 16-18 inches wide, 5 feet off the ground.
- After nearly 4 hours, crews broke through a restaurant wall to rescue Romeo, who suffered a broken ankle but gave his Juliet the thumbs up as was loaded into the ambulance.
- No word on whether Grant will face charges, but the girl made the 911 call and hung around for the rescue ordeal, so maybe not all is lost.
- However, the restaurant owners aren’t likely to be pleased they expect it to be closed for a couple of weeks.
- I guess the question needs to be asked: Women of the internet, would you be impressed by a guy who jumps from building to building, kind of like a parkour Spiderman?
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