- In February 1997, the Tokio Express was hit by a massive wave, dumping nearly 5 million lego pieces 20 miles off Lands End, England.
- Over 17 years later, pieces are still being found among seaweed and stones.
- Funnily enough, many of the pieces were nautical-themed, with the most prized finds being rare dragons and octopuses .
Read more:
http://www.smh.com.au/world/shipwrecked-lego-still-washing-ashore-from-1997-spill-20140722-zvuq7.html http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2014/jul/22/lego-galore-modern-treasure-beaches http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/10980299/Millions-of-tiny-Lego-pieces-lost-at-sea-more-than-17-years-ago-are-still-washing-up-on-Cornish-beaches.html

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