- Citizen science group ‘Science for the Masses’ has used Chlorin e6 to develop eye drops that give temporary superhuman night vision!
- Chlorin e6 (Ce6) is a natural molecule that allows certain deep sea fish to see in the dark, which has recently been used to treat night blindness and in some cancer treatments prior to that.
- During testing, eye drops were placed into the eyes of volunteer Gabriel Licina, who was reportedly able to identify people in pitch black conditions in the woods 100% of the time from a distance of 50 meters (160 feet), even when they were standing against a tree.
- The control group who did not get the Ce6 were only able to correctly distinguish objects 33% of the time.
- The effects of Ce6 are said to last a few hours. Science for the Masses is an organisation dedicated to making science more available to the average person that claims to be independent of any university or government agency.
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