- Self-proclaimed “Minister of Love” Bill Levin has established the First Church of Cannabis and asked ‘Cannataerians” to fund its mission of “love, understanding and good health”.
- It’s reported that the church uses cannabis as part of its sacraments and that it has even laid out 12 commandments, on which is “Don’t be an a**hole”.
- Bill’s actions were made possible after Indiana passed the ‘religious freedom’ law which provides that government can be stopped when it interferes with a “person’s exercise of religion only if it can demonstrate that it is the least restrictive means of furthering a compelling governmental interest”.
- It has been argued that preventing the use of marijuana is such a compelling interest.
- Bill says that if his church is blocked by anti-drug laws, it would contravene his religious freedom!
- The First Church of Cannabis – your path to spiritual enHIGHtenment?
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