Man forgot where he parked for 20 years!
A man’s car has been found 20 YEARS after he reported it stolen, but it turns out he had simply forgotten where he parked!!
A man’s car has been found 20 YEARS after he reported it stolen, but it turns out he had simply forgotten where he parked!!
Man faces charges of impersonating a police officer after he used a car fitted with strobe lights and a police interceptor emblem to pull over undercover detectives.
Motorists found a man sound asleep in his car, which was parked in the middle of an Australian motorway in a 110 kmh zone!
Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended by the BBC due to a ‘dust up’ with a Top Gear producer, with fellow host James May confirming the fracas was over catering arrangements!
Vines of Englishman Arthur Wallace screaming in his car while stuck in English traffic have gone viral .
A Russian youth movement titled ‘Stop a Douchebag’ is using protesters to stop drivers from using footpaths to cut across traffic!
The story of a Detroit man who walks 21 miles (33km) every day for work inspired a crowd-funding effort to get him a car, and even a donation from a car dealer!
A Delaware man faces drug possession charges after police found 28 grams of cocaine hidden in his prosthetic leg!
Bart the ‘zombie cat’ was buried after he was hit by a car, but dug himself out of the grave and returned to his owners 5 days later!
An 18-year-old Scottish man is facing assault charges after allegedly throwing potatoes at pedestrians from a moving vehicle.