- Smithers will officially “come out” in season 27 of the Simpsons, according to Executive Producer Al Jean.
- It’s reported that Smithers will tell Mr Burns that he’s gay over the course of double episode. Over the years, Smithers has had many awkward comedic moments, such as when Lisa saw his sexy Mr Burns screensaver, or when Smithers dreamt of a naked Mr Burns jumping out of a cake and singing happy birthday to him naked.
- Smithers is not Springfield’s first gay character, with Patty coming out in 2005 and Duffman being outed in 2008.
- Smithers will again be voiced by Harry Shearer, who planned to leave after season 26 due to a contract dispute.
- Season 27 will start off with a bang when Homer’s narcolepsy leads to a split with Marge.
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