- Great news fellow arachnophobes, there are so many spiders that, in theory, they could eat every single person on Earth in just one year!
- According to data collected by European biologists Klaus Birkhofer and Martin Nyffler, spiders eat “400-800 million metric tons of prey” every single year, including insects, birds, lizards and small mammals (!!!).
- Terrifying? Sure, but there’s more. According to the Washington Post, the total biomass of all humans on Earth is approximately 357 million tons!
- What’s more, according to a study by Peer J, 100% of homes tested in North Carolina were found to have spiders.
- I’m not saying that spiders will band together to consume their human overlords, but I’m not saying it won’t happen either. I’ll be in the bunker if you’re looking for me.
- The horrifying findings were published earlier this month in the Science of Nature journal.
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