- Chinese app Didi Da Ren (translated as Didi Hit People) reportedly allows people to hire thugs to beat up their enemies!
- Originally reported by the China Times, it is reported that customers post ‘help wanted’ ads, in which they indicate how much damage they would like inflicted on the target and the money on offer.
- Thugs ‘for hire’ (typically outlaws, gangster and soldiers) are said to have typically charged between $30 and $80 for an attack.
- A journalist from Kunming, China reportedly tested the app by putting up a listing in search of a hired goon in Shanghai, after which he/she was directed to a man who called himself ‘Lei’, who said he charged between $32 and $80 and promised to send any victim to the hospital, or worse, for the right price.
- It’s reported that Lei asked for photo identity of the victim and said he needed 2 days’ notice before the attack.
- Employees at Didi Da Ren say they came across listings from people seeking hitmen, but that these were swiftly deleted.
- Although the app was removed from the Android app store last week, it is reportedly still available in several third-party stores.
- According to the Independent, the app was downloaded more than 40,000 times.
- The app was developed by Zhang Kong Information Technology Ltd.
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