- 74-year-old Utah man Wayne Winters has found a kidney donor match for his wife after weeks of walking busy streets in a sandwich board.
- On 5 October, Wayne, who met his wife, Deanne 26 years ago, took to the streets with a sandwich board containing his plea, phone number and Deanne’s blood type A-, to find a donor for his wife, who had stage 5 kidney failure.
- After 700 calls, Wayne found a match!
- According to WPXI, Deanne is now recovering after the kidney transplant.
- Waynetold KTSU it would be awesome for Deanne to have a good 5 years so that they can have their life back.
- Great story, made better by the fact that Wayne says he will continue to wear the sign to help others.
- According to the National Kidney Foundation, the average person waits between 3 to 5 years for a kidney transplant.
- Sometimes heroes wear simple sandwich boards.
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