Airborne car crashes into SECOND floor dental office!
BUT HOW? A car became airborne and crashed into a second floor dental office in Santa Ana, California!
BUT HOW? A car became airborne and crashed into a second floor dental office in Santa Ana, California!
It’s believed that a man may have set fire to his apartment while trying to kill a ‘huge wolf spider’ in a bedroom with a blowtorch.
A Californian man has been charged with stealing a Ferrari after he was found asking people for gas money at a gas station.
This weekend, a Californian man who does not believe in science will launch himself in a steam-powered rocket, which he built using mainly scrap materials.
Police in Thousand Oaks, California say they identified a burglar using DNA left in an unflushed toilet of the burgled home!
According to emergency crews, the foam that swallowed Santa Clara, California resulted from the accidental discharge of fire retardant at San Jose Airport!
A man who broke into a YMCA Child Development Center in Indio, California, only managed to steal fake money from a toy cash register!
Daredevil skydiver Luke Aikins jumped from 25,000 feet WITHOUT a parachute, and landed on a 100 x 100 foot net at a speed of 120mph!
It’s reported that 38 new emoji have been approved, including ‘selfie’ and ‘face palm’, but we will have to wait until Unicode’s planned 9.0 update in June 2016!
Google could build a robot army after it received a patent for methods and systems of allocating tasks to a series of robots over the cloud to complete tasks.