- Sarah Palin has told PETA to ‘chill’ in response to its claim that she had no apparent sympathy for the family dog her son stood on, noting that he at least didn’t eat the dog.
- This follows last week’s uproar when Sarah posted a picture on her Facebook account of her son standing on the family dog to help reach the kitchen sink.
- In the post, Sarah essentially wished her fans a Happy New Year & urged them to turn their stumbling blocks (ie the dog) into stepping stones (ie the dog) as her son had in order to help do the dishes.
- Trig has down syndrome.
- Sarah noted the inconsistency of the treatment she has received, pointing out that Ellen posted a similar photo in 2009 with no such backlash.
- Sarah Palin is a former Governor of Alaska.
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January 6, 2015 at 3:41 pm
OMG you selfish, idiotic judgmental fools! There are service working dogs ALL OVER THE WORLD who allow people who have had a seizure to “brace themselves” up on them..it’s what the dogs do because the dog can handle it you idiots. This is a child with Down Syndrome. It’s a service dog helping the developmentally disabled child. GET OVER YOURSELVES. You have no clue how strong a dog is or how they have been used for years to things like HERD cows, retrieve ducks from freezing water, help our military during WAR as bullets are flying, rescue people from the snow, chase criminals. It is truly shocking how myopic and moronic the pretentious pet loving public is when it comes to how tough a dog is. You must be cat owners. It’s not like Palin’s kid was stepping on a Chihuahua. Get over it. Move on. Go help someone. Feed the homeless. Volunteer your selfish self to help a child with Down Syndrome. A dog wants to serve it’s master. If you knew anything about dogs you’d get this. Quit attacking people you know nothing about. And please, don’t ever own a dog, you’re too stupid. Go find the nearest mirror and slap yourselves.