- Russian police have launched a safe selfie campaign to educate the public and reduce injuries and deaths caused by high-risk selfie poses.
- In the accompanying leaflet, video and website, the message is that “a cool selfie could cost you your life”.
- Tips are provided through the use of “warning signs”, including: “a selfie with a weapon kills” and “a selfie on the railway tracks is a bad idea if you value your life”.
- The action taken by the interior ministry follows a spate of selfie-related accidents.
- This year, a woman accidentally shot herself in the head (but luckily survived) while taking a selfie with a pistol, while 2 young men were not so lucky when they took selfies holding a hand grenade with the pin pulled out.
- It’s reported that high-risk selfie poses have led to about 100 injuries and dozens of deaths this year.
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