- A South-Australian woman’s legs became so swollen after a prolonged period of squatting that she had to be cut free from her skinny jeans.
- It’s reported that the woman felt increasingly uncomfortable in the jeans while helping a family member move, but that she later struggled to lift her numb feet on the way home and eventually collapsed to the ground.
- The woman was found several hours later and taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, where doctors found that the pressure from the jeans, combined with the prolonged period of squatting, had damaged the tibial (movement and sensation to the calf and foot) and peroneal nerves (outside of the knee and ankle), causing compartment syndrome in her calves.
- Although compartment syndrome can cause permanent damage (and even amputation!), the woman was able to walk unaided 4 days later.
- Associate Professor Thomas Kimber treated the woman, who he said was literally a “fashion victim”.
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