- This weekend, a Californian man who does not believe in science will launch himself in a steam-powered rocket, which he built using mainly scrap materials.
- Mike Hughes, a 61-year-old limousine driver, has spent many years and approx. $20,000 building the rocket in his garage, and notes that he is the first man in history to design, build and launch himself in a rocket.
- Mike plans to travel about a mile, at a speed of 500mph, over the town of Amboy (population 4).
- Mike says he does not believe in science, but he knows about “aerodynamics and fluid dynamics” which is “just a formula”.
- It’s reported that the main sponsor of Mike’s launch is Research Flat Earth.
- Naturally, Mike believes the Earth is flat (he may get a better perspective on this on the weekend), and has invited people to watch him via a pay-per-view on the internet.
- Mike says the launch is “scary as hell” but that “none of us are getting out of this world alive”, and has put out food for his 4 cats in case anything goes wrong.
- If successful, Mike plans to run for Governor of California.
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