A sizeable tip has been crowd-funded for pizza delivery guy Jarrid Tansey after a video went viral showing him being asked to return money he thought was a tip, then being berated by the angry customers.
A man was caught trying to smuggle iPhones from Hong Kong into China after his ‘weird walking posture’ alerted port security to the 94 smartphones strapped to his body. The smuggler has since been dubbed ‘Apple Man’.
Thanks to Reddit, ‘Ship your Enemies Glitter’ has gone viral, offering people a way to send their enemies glitter & a letter outlining their REAL thoughts of them.
A social experiment titled ‘Slap Her’ asked young boys aged between 7 to 11 to slap a girl they were introduced to on camera, but were visibly shocked and refused.
10 years ago, Gary Brolsma uploaded what would be the first ever viral video, titled Numa Numa, in which he li-syncs to Romanian pop song Dragostea Tin Dei.