- A school in Missouri has apologised to a parent after one of its substitute teachers sent him a scolding letter for the ‘unhealthy lunch’ he packed for his daughter.
- The letter informed Dr Justin Puckett that someone from the cafeteria said his daughter’s lunch included “4 chocolate bars, a bag of marshmallows, Ritz crackers and a pickle”, and asked for him to ensure he packed a better lunch the next day, and return a signed copy of the letter.
- Dr Puckett declined to sign the letter and instead posted it to his Facebook account, complaining about the school’s ‘big brother’ approach. He added that he took offence to the accusation that he isn’t raising his children properly.
- Dr Puckett reportedly clarified the contents of the lunchbox as: 4 pieces of ham, low-fat string cheese, pickles, 4 marshmallows and a small piece of dark chocolate, with extra pieces for her brother and a friend.
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