- Police in Murdoch Western Australia tweeted a photo of a stoner’s hilarious to-do list, which included action items for the day, such as “get stoned”.
- The picture, which was reportedly found while searching a home was captioned “Are ur Saturdays hectic like this?”.
- Among other things, the list included: “1) get up get ready”, “5) go get lunch (chips & gravy), “8) dye hair”, “9) go home and get a stick” & “10) chop up and get stoned”.
- The reaction to the post was generally positive, with many appreciating the sense of humour shown by the police.
- It was not confirmed whether anyone was arrested during the incident, or what happened to the world’s most organised stoner.
- For those wondering, a ‘stick’ is Australian slang for a quantity of marijuana wrapped in foil.
- …I don’t know about you, but I could do with some chips and gravy!
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