- Twelve inmates escaped from a prison in Alabama by using peanut butter to trick a new guard into unlocking an exit door!
- The inmates used peanut butter to obscure numbers above a door, then asked the inexperienced guard to open one of the doors to a ‘cell’, which was actually a door that led outside the prison.
- With the exit door open, the inmates simply ran out, then used their jail uniforms and blankets to climb the razor wire fence.
- Walker County Sheriff James Underwood described the inmates as “crazy like a fox”, and estimated that it took them less than 10 minutes to clear the fence.
- All inmates have now been recaptured, with the final fugitive making it to Tequesta, Florida.
- The prison is now looking at ways to renumber doors in “a way that peanut butter won’t have any effect on them”.
- So, was it crunchy or smooth?
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