- Art experts valued a painting at millions of pounds, when it was actually a €10 IKEA painting planted in the museum by Dutch pranksters LifeHunters.
- As part of the prank, Boris Lange from LifeHunters walks around Museum Arnhem asking people for their opinions on the painting, stated to be created by ‘up-and-coming’ Swedish artist Ike Andrews.
- In the video (which has been viewed over 10 million times!), many experts provided insightful comments on the piece. One states that “it’s a depiction of the chaos in his mind”, while another says”if I could buy this for 2.5 million euro, I’d do it”.
- The experiment was proposed by LifeHunters and agreed to by the museum and IKEA.
- It must be noted that while the IKEA painting was a stock item, it is one of its ‘street art pieces” commissioned from Swiss street artists NEVERCREW.
- LifeHunters have previously served up McDonald’s to foodies under the guise of it being new organic cuisine.
- This just goes to show that the value of art truly is in the eye of the beholder.
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