- Today marks the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the 1st in J.K Rowling’s magical series about the world’s most famous boy wizard.
- After being rejected by a number of publishers, J.K (Joanne Kathleen) was able to print 1,000 copies of the book by winning a £1,000 deal with Bloomsbury.
- Since then, the books have been translated into 79 languages and have sold more than 450 million copies!
- Then there is the movie franchise (!!!).
- The Empire has netted J.K an estimated $1 BILLION, but it has also inspired kids and adults alike.
- In honour of the birthday, I’ve purchased all the books and will read every single word, starting with “Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.”
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