- If it was up to you, what would be your escape plan for Julian Assange?
- It’s reported that leaked documents from the Ecuadorean embassy in London show that diplomatic officials considered ways to help Assange to escape from the embassy, including going out in disguise or hiding him in a “diplomatic bag”, which is essentially a diplomatic suitcase intended for documents.
- British police keep a 24-hour watch on the embassy building, where Assange has had asylum since June 2012.
- Assange’s escape is further complicated by the fact that UK’s Scotland Yard has police posted throughout the building, which is not used exclusively by the embassy.
- Even if Assange was to escape, there’s still the question of where he would go from there.
- Commentators suggest Assange could jump into a private jet to Quito or send authorities on a wild goose choose, like Edward Snowden.
- Although Sweden recently dropped 3 of the potential sex crime charged against him, it is likely that Assange will not leave (at least conventionally) given the possibility that the US will seek to extradite him to face charges relating to his publication of military and diplomatic documents leaked by Chelsea Manning.
- The escape documents were seen by BuzzFeed News, and initially reported by Fernando Villavicencio and posted online by the WikiLeaks Forum.
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