- As it turns out, Robocop might soon be viewed as a documentary!
- It is reported that Dubai plans to introduce a fleet of police androids to its streets by 2017.
- The AI-equipped robots will patrol streets, malls and other crowded public spaces, with plans for them to become part of the police force by the end of the decade.
- At first, the intelligent androids will be equipped with a microphone connected to the Dubai Police call centres, which will enable people to make complaints, ask questions but also have a bit of fun.
- Nasser Alrazooqui, head of Dubai’s smart unit, says this is an efficient way of providing these kinds of services to an expanding population without hiring more people.
- These will not be the first ‘Robocop’ officers to patrol streets, as a handful of K5 androids are currently being trialled by Californian creator Knightscope in the San Francisco Bay Area HQ of Mountain View.
- The K5 androids are said to look like a buffed R2-D2, stand 5-feet tall and weigh approximately 300 pounds.
- Although they possess heat detectors, laser scanners, GPS and odour detectors, the androids are not armed.
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