- Mrs White has been “killed off” in a revamp of the board game, Cluedo, but who did it – and why?
- Although the board game was created in 1923, this is the first time Hasbro has “killed” a character since 1949.
- Mrs White, who was the housekeeper at the mansion owned by Dr Black, will be replaced by Dr Orchid, who has a PhD in plant toxicology (which sounds very suspicious!).
- Interestingly, Dr Orchid is said to have been homeschooled by Mrs White!
- As part of the revamp, 5 characters have had an upgrade, except for Colonel Mustard.
- It’s believed that the upgrade is an attempt to modernise the game and move away from gender stereotypes.
- For those who haven’t played the game, it involves finding out who killed who, with what, and where.
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