- Trust me, I’m a magician…
- A Polish TV presenter’s hand appeared to be impaled when a magic trick went wrong.
- Marzena Rogalska was participating in a ‘Russian Roulette-style’ magic trick performed by Poland’s Got Talent semi-finalist Pan Ząbek, where she was told to slam her hand down on paper bags (one of which had a nail hidden underneath), but ‘picked the wrong one’ and was taken to hospital.
- Marzena later posted that she is OK.
- However, many have questioned the authenticity of the event saying the ‘impaling’ is the trick, noting that there was no blood, or the long nail didn’t go through Marzena’s hand etc.
- The footage is linked below. Thoughts?
- Sadly, one Lego hand was damaged in the creation of this shot
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