Has Darth Vader shunned the Dark Side? Nah, some guy dressed as the Sith Lord has been sighted cleaning a 1.5-mile stretch of highway that he adopted through the Adopt-a-Highway program.
Even though Henry Wakley spends most of his time working in New Zealand, he’s using his 2-week break at home in Blackburg, Virginia to remove garbage from the highway, as the lack of cleanliness “disrupts” him.
Wakley says he dresses up because it makes people smile as they drive by.
It’s reported that many honk and even stop to take photos.
Somebody needs a pop culture lesson, because police received a report that ‘Batman’ was cleaning the highway…
According to Henry, “we need to end this destructive behaviour to restore the galaxy”.
- Clever headline written by @lizziefij following a contest held on the @theshortnews Instagram account.
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