- Bad news for those planning to use selfie sticks at Soundwave this weekend – you’ve been told to leave them at home or else they’ll be confiscated.
- Promoter AJ Maddah vented on Twitter this week, urging selfie stick users to have some consideration for those behind them trying to enjoy the show.
- AJ Maddah added that selfie sticks are the “ultimate expression of narcissism”, using the example of a girl he witnessed using a selfie stick to take a picture of herself WHILE a band was playing. He noted that this was somewhat different to someone trying to take a photo of the band!
- It’s reported that there will be no tolerance at the Sydney and Brisbane Soundwave shows this weekend,with all selfie sticks cloaked, along with items such as iPads.
- Soundwave is an annual music festival. This year it is headlined by bands such as Faith no More, Soundgarden, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot and the Smashing Pumpkins.
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