- How did the city of Metropolis fail to recognise that Clark Kent was Superman?
- According to a study from the University of York, wearing glasses might be an adequate disguise, especially if you haven’t seen that person before.
- In the study, participants were shown 3 pairs of faces: (1) Both wore glasses. (2) Neither had glasses. (3) One had glasses and the other didn’t.
- When asked to decide whether each pair showed the same person, accuracy was 80% in categories (1) and (2) but was 6% less when only one face had glasses.
- It’s believed this is attributable to a cognitive disorder called prosopagnosia (otherwise known as face blindness) that makes the ability to recognise familiar faces more difficult.
- Of course, while this wouldn’t prevent Lois from recognising Clark, it would a significant portion of the population making such an identification.
- The study titled ‘Disguising Superman: How glasses affect unfamiliar face matching’ was published in Applied Cognitive Psychology.
- Then again, maybe Superman really did hypnotise humans with a special beam inside his Clark Kent glasses…
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