- This is a doozy.
- An unknown time traveller claims to have returned from the year 6000, armed with a blurry photograph as proof of his travels.
- In a video posted to the ApexTV Channel on YouTube, the man (whose face is blurred) talks about a secret time travel program in the 1990s, where his role was to send people to the year 6000.
- The man says that by the year 6000, innumerable diseases, such as cancer, have been cured, teleportation is common, and humankind is governed by artificial inteligence.
- Relevantly, the man adds that people have the ability to go back in time to witness (but not take part in, or alter – due to invisibility) events.
- As for the blurry photo, the man says that the time travel process tends to distort pictures “as well as many other things” such as people’s body parts.
- Soooo, what do you think? Even if you think this guy is a fake (and I am definitely on Team Fake), what are your thoughts on time travel? Are we far off? Are we already living amongst time travellers?
- I’ve linked the video below. Whether it’s true or not, it’s a good little video and will, at the very least, make you think about some of the ideas raised.
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