- This is a story about pepperoni, bird poop and, ultimately, redemption.
- 17 years ago, a man was banned from a hotel for life after he accidentally caused his room to be trashed by seagulls when he left a suitcase full of pepperoni on a table, but he’s been invited back at a heartfelt apology!
- As the story goes, Nick Burchill checked into the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia, bringing with him a suitcase of ‘Brothers’ pepperoni to share with friends.
- But his room didn’t have a fridge, so he left the meat on a table and opened a window.
- Nick says that when he returned, there were about 40 seagulls eating the pepperoni. Startled by Nick, the birds “started flying around and crashing into things”, leaving excrement and pepperoni chunks everywhere.
- The clean-up job must have been traumatic because Nick was banned from the hotel for life.
- Recently, Nick dropped into the hotel to apologise in person, and left a pound of Brothers TNT pepperoni as a peace offering.
- It worked, because the manager has insisted the Nick stay at the hotel next time he’s in Victoria!
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