- Police in Neustadt Germany are looking for thieves who stole a trailer loaded with 20 tons of chocolate, which included Nutella, Kinder Surprise eggs and other chocolate goodies.
- It’s reported that the contents of the load are worth approx €70,000 (USD$82,000). According to police, this was likely planned as the thieves would have needed a heavy duty truck to take their haul.
- If these thieves are anything like me, they won’t be hard to find…
- In (slightly) healthier news, police are also looking for a truck containing 30 tons of fruit juice, which went missing in Wittenburg, northern Germany over the weekend.
- Police believe that the incidents might be locked and that the thieves are instead after trailers. If true, the thieves might give themselves away by trying to offload bulk amounts of chocolate and juice.
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