- Just as the world finally got over THAT dress, we’re now being asked to decide whether the cat is going up or down the stairs in #catgate.
- The picture of a cat going up (or down) a set of stairs was posted last week on user-generated content site 9gag, with over 4,000 comments below it debating the issue.
- Some have argued that the cat is going down due to the way the tiles are facing and the fact that the cat’s tail is facing upwards.
- Others argue that the lighting and the fact that the cat’s paw looks to be reaching upwards indicates that the cat is going up the stairs.
- Once you start analysing the cat’s body language – you realise that your weekend will be consumed by another mystery…
- It’s #dressgate all over again! Try your luck below and let me know what you think!
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Rack your brain!

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