- A British scientist has developed Wireless Armour underpants, which are said to be underpants for superheroes because they protect against electromagnetic radiation.
- It’s reported that the underpants have been developed to protect male fertility by blocking radiation from Wi-Fi devices such as mobile phones and lap tops.
- According to a study performed by the University of Exeter, there is a correlation between lower sperm health and electromagnetic radiation.
- Joseph Perkins used his Physics background to developed the underpants after a successful Indigogo campaign. Sir Richard Branson reportedly called them underpants for superheroes.
- It’s reported that the underpants disrupt the flow of electromagnetic radiation as silver is a conductor of electricity, which assists in distributing it evenly around the underpants.
- Independent tests show that the underpants shield against 99.9% of the radiation emitted between 100 MHz to 2.6GHz.
- The underpants are called Wireless Armour, and can be purchased for between £24 and £35 from www.wirelessarmour.co.uk.
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