- A Queensland parliamentarian was laughing so hard during an episode of Veep that be choked on sushi and knocked himself unconscious!
- MP Graham Perrett was watching the hit HBO show, starring the ridiculously funny Julia Louis Dreyfus when some rice went down his airway. He ran out of the room, hit a wall and then a kitchen bench.
- Mr Perrett says he was knocked out for a second and that his wife found him bleeding on the floor.
- Ms Dreyfus exchanged tweets with the MP, who told her he choked while watching the the current episode, where ‘Jonah has the close shave’.
- Ms Dreyfus told Mr Perrett to “… for God’s sake be careful”. Actor Timothy Simons said they might have to send Me Perrett edited versions of episodes to prevent this happening again!
- With this pic, I’ve reimagined the moment to show Mr Perrett returning to the show with some sushi. It’ll take a lot more than that to stop watching the very funny Veep!
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