Vanilla Ice Ice…Maybe he did a bad thing?
It’s reported that US rapper Vanilla Ice has been charged with burglary and grand theft in Florida! Vanilla Ice Ice..maybe he did a bad thing?
It’s reported that US rapper Vanilla Ice has been charged with burglary and grand theft in Florida! Vanilla Ice Ice..maybe he did a bad thing?
Despite cold/lukewarm reviews, Fifty Shades of Grey is breaking records, taking in $94.4 million in the US and $172 million internationally in its opening 4 days in theatres.
A massive hot air balloon shaped like Yoda will take to the sky at Canberra’s 2015 Balloon Spectacular next month!
Hackers may have stolen up to$1 billion from banks around the world by gaining access to their systems, then stealing money without raising suspicions – such as by scheduling ATMs to dispense money at certain times.
An unprecedented snow season has caused 6 feet of snow to fall on Boston in the last month, with permission now granted to dump snow in the Boston Harbor!
Uber made headlines by offering the UberKitten deal, providing Australians with an opportunity to have kittens driven to them for 15 minutes of cuddles. Publicity stunt or just cuddly goodness?
Thanks to Reddit, ‘Ship your Enemies Glitter’ has gone viral, offering people a way to send their enemies glitter & a letter outlining their REAL thoughts of them.
•UFO hunter Will Farrar says he has found a coffin on Mars while looking through photos taken by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover.
North Korea’s internet is now working again after an outage that lasted several hours.
North Korea has proposed to conduct a joint investigation with the USA, stating that it knows how to prove it was not responsible for the hack.