- Scientists have discovered the fossil remains of a giant penguin they believe roamed the waters near New Zealand 55 to 60 million years ago, shortly after dinosaurs became extinct.
- Researchers say the ancient penguin, called ‘Kumimanu biceae’ was 177cm tall, measured 100kg and would have been “considerably more powerful than a person”.
- This gigantic penguin would have been an expert hunter due to its long beak and muscly build.
- It’s believed that these animals disappeared following the rise of marine animals such as seals and toothed whales.
- Kumimanu was named after a creature in Maori folklore.
- For some perspective, the Emperor Penguin is the largest penguin alive today, at 120cm tall and weighing about 40kg.
- For more information, I’ve linked a fantastic article from the LA Times below.
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