- A $20,000 1.8-metre Lego sculpture that took 3 days to build was destroyed by a curious child less than 1 hour after it was put on display at a Chinese shopping mall.
- The sculpture of Nick Wilde from Disney’s smash hit Zootopia was created by Zhao, a teacher from Ningbo City in East China.
- Soon after the sculpture was put on display at Wanda Plaza, many children flocked to take a picture with Nick Wilde. One child ignored the barrier around the sculpture, accidentally pushing it over when he placed his hand on the sculpture as he posed for a photo.
- Zhao says he wont be seeking compensation as the boy is young, but believed security should have been keeping an eye on his sculpture.
- It’s reported that only a third of the sculpture could be recovered as many pieces were glued together to keep them in place.
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