- The bass player for Australian band San Cisco, Nick Gardner, will miss the band’s upcoming tour of the USA and Mexico after he accidentally shot himself in the foot .
- At the time, Nick was helping out on a friend’s farm in Western Australia and says the gun went off when the he tried to reach down to stop it bouncing around while they were driving through a rough paddock.
- Nick says that the bolt “slid down” and that the “jolting” must have triggered the gun.
- After seeing a hole in his foot and blood everywhere, Nick’s friend bandaged it up and drove to the nearest hospital, which was 100kms away!
- Although Nick passed out from the shock, he came to as he was being treated by doctors. San Cisco are touring their album Gracetown, which is out tomorrow!
- San Cisco have been making waves for some time now, with the earworm ‘Awkward’ (perhaps somewhat appropriate in this instance) a particular favourite (link below).
- Wishing Nick a speedy recovery!
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