- Calling all my bearded friends!
- A UK business is offering bearded men the opportunity to earn £30 per hour by having their beards stroked in a shopping centre!
- The world’s first beard stroking station aims to help stressed shoppers unwind while they shop.
- The theory is that warm touches between humans releases Oxytocin, which is the hormone that reduces levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol (much like stroking cat fur).
- Customers can register online beforehand, with sessions of 10 or 20 minutes, which cost £5 per 5 minutes.
- Customers will be provided with music, oils, and water, tea or coffee.
- Mo Bro’s will operate the station for 3 days at Highcross Shopping Centre in Leicester from Wednesday 20 December.
- According to co-founder Savan Dattani, a few guys with fantastic beards have already signed up.
- If this sounds like your thing, and your beard is at least 2 inches long, you can apply here.
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